Kris Hall, author of “Leaving Your Mind to Find Yourself”, has coined her
personality to being ½ “flower child” and ½ “thug life.”
She has spent the last decade finding her way and purpose via being
everything from a 911 dispatcher, a personal trainer, accountant and several
careers in between.
She began writing her debut novel with journal entries detailing her
frustration during, what we now know to be, her spiritual journey. When not
doing one of the numerous jobs above, you can usually catch her in the
midst of dance parties, movie nights, and fighting imaginary bad guys while
on duty in her biggest job, being a boy mom.
Kris Hall
You picked up this book for a reason. You are reading this for a reason. I don’t
believe in coincidences and they don’t believe in me. ~
During my spiritual journey, I searched everywhere for proof that what I was
experiencing was “normal”. From meditation to crystals, sage, chakras, and
other “woo woo” stuff; I couldn’t find what I was looking for. This book did not
exist, so I decided to write it.
I hope that my collection of experiences and transparency will help to broaden
your perspective, feel less alone, and know that you deserve understanding.
This book is a reminder that when you cannot see the light at the end of the